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November 18, 2023雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明雅思词汇解析,释义到用法,清清楚楚每一次的进步,都是来自点点滴滴的积累本期作者:张悦本周我们来演讲有关的词汇:1. articulate /ɑː'tɪkjʊlət/adj. 口齿伶俐的;善于表达的e.g. One benefit of reading is that it helps to broaden our vocabulary, so we get to become more articulate.本季口语话题:What qualities do people need to speak in public?First, being articulate. Good public speakers enunciate their words clearly and pronounce them correctly. They avoid mumbling or speaking too quickly.补充:mumble 咕哝地说v. 清楚地表达常见搭配:articulate feelings / thoughts 清晰地表达想法,感受等。e.g. He had some trouble articulating his thoughts.e.g. Few users are able to clearly articulate their needs.2. deliver /dɪ'lɪvə/v. ;发表(讲话);宣布搭配:deliver a speech / lecture/ talke.g. He delivered a long speech full of platitudes.e.g. Being able to express your true ideas and thoughts, deliver the message clearly, being able to avoid all kinds of misunderstandings, those are valuable skills in personal relationships and professional settings.补充:platitudes 陈词滥调;套话n. delivery 发言(或演说)的方式;e.g. I need to work on my delivery before I give the speech.e.g. Effective speakers are attentive to their audience's needs, expectations, and reactions. They adjust their message and delivery to resonate with the audience.补充:resonate with 与…共鸣。attentive adj. 注意的;关注的3. nerve-rackingadj. 使人焦虑的;使人十分紧张的;e.g.Delivering a speech was not as nerve-racking as I had expected.e.g. The job interview was a nerve-racking experience.4. podium /'pəʊdɪəm/n. 讲台;舞台;(乐队)指挥台e.g. Standing on the podium, I felt nervous.口语话题:describe a sportsman that you admire:e.g. A few minutes later, he mounted the podium and sang the national anthem, draped in a red flat.补充:mount: 爬上,登上(台阶、梯级)national anthem: 国旗drape:(用布)盖,裹以上就是今天的词汇,我们下期见。


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